Minnie Harrison
Each year we are called to help a family that God has put on our hearts. Several members of IOG and The Fort Worth Club continue to donate their time serving at Beautiful Feet Ministries. The Feet is an organization that serves the homeless in Fort Worth. They supply food, clothing, counseling and gospel teaching to those less fortunate. This year we have been led to Minnie Harrison. Minnie made a decision for Christ during one of the services led by Beautiful Feet. Minnie made a decision to get her life straight. She says that she promised God, “If you will give me another opportunity to get it right, I’ll raise my next children the right way.”
Minnie’s husband was raising three young daughters (Rani, Erika, and Raven) from another relationship when he met Minnie. He became sick with cancer and eventually died, leaving Minnie with three girls to raise. The girls’ biological mother has continually chosen a destructive life over her girls. A few years later, Lillie Mae was born to the same mother, she could not raise her. Minnie immediately took Lillie Mae in and began raising her as her own. Since then, Minnie has taken in three boys (Terry Don, Jerry, & Tommy) while their mother, Minnie’s cousin, has been in jail and rehab. Minnie did not stop there. Minnie also took in a newborn belonging to her niece, who was in prison. She raised this baby for almost a year, until the mother got out of prison and could take care of her baby. It seems Minnie does not look at why she can't help but how can she not help.
Minnie may be just barely five feet tall, but she has a huge heart! None of the children she is raising are her natural children, but she loves them no less than she loves her two natural children who are in their twenties. Minnie has come a long way, from trying to do it her way to a dedicated follower of the Lord’s way. Someone once said that Minnie is a “diamond in the rough.” As the Lord continually chips away at her old way of living and thinking, this diamond now shines with a new love for life and God. We feel blessed to have God bring Minnie to us this year. Come be a part of an amazing day in helping such a selfless person and Invest in Minnie's greatness!